Thursday, June 10, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Earlier today I purchased soup from my work's cafeteria. I picked up a soup spoon and grinned. I love soup spoons.

Here are a few other simple pleasures that make me smile:
- Sporks.
- Cherry slurpee from 7-11 (or a Cherry Icee from anywhere).
- Lattes.
- Solving a crossword puzzle.
- Tomatoes + Basil fresh from the garden.
- Spontaneous, unsolicited expressions of love.
- Fresh baked bread.
- Farmer's Markets.
- Cool, foggy mornings.


Lisa's Yarns said...

Yes, please, to all of the above. Except soup spoons - they are too deep for me so I like traditional spoons.

Today is so a soup day! So glad I made a big batch of chili yesterday.

Did you run the marathon this weekend? If so, I hope it went well!!

Mom said...

Are you EVER going to update this or should I stop looking?